Chercheur associé
Chercheur à l’Institut d’Archéologie Ja. Guljamov de l’Académie des Sciences de la République d’Ouzbékistan

Adresse professionnelle
Institut d’Archéologie AN RUz,
3 ul. Akademik Abdullaeva,
703051, Samarcande,Ouzbékistan
Tél. : +998 66 2321513

Fax : +998 66 2321290

Domaines géographiques

  • Asie centrale ; Ouzbékistan ; Sibérie-Altaï ; Chine ; Mongolie ; Australie ; Inde ; Amériques

Domaines thématiques

  • Pré- et Protohistoire de l’Ouzbékistan
  • Art rupestre, pétroglyphes, peintures : chronologie, origine, développement, intéprétation stylistique
  • Etude ethno-culturelle des sociétés anciennes : territoires, circulations
  • Base de données sur l’art rupestres d’Ouzbékistan
  • paléoécologie de l’art rupestre
  • Conservation et préservation du patrimoine archéologique
  • Histoire et ethnographie du peuple ouzbek

Formation et distinctions

  • depuis 2002 : Grant of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway advised by the Riksantikvaren Directorate for Cultural Heritage, Oslo, Norway
  • 1997-2002  –  Grant of the Fundamental research Fund of State Committee of Science and Technology of  Uzbekistan.1998- Individual Grant sur l’art rupestre en Ouzbékistan, Deutscher Academischer Austauschdiest (DAAD) ,  Heidelberg University, Germany
  • 1997-1998 -Scholarship on the behalf of Academic Polish Foundation « Kasa Mianowskiego « in Warszawa, Poland
  • 1985 : Thèse de doctorat (kandidatskaja dissertatsija), Université de Léningrad, Institut d’archéologie URSS
  • 1976 : Diplôme de fin d’études, Institut pédagogique d’Etat de Tashkent, Faculté d’Histoire et de Géographie

Emplois et enseignement

  • depuis 2003 : Director  of Sarmish Rock Art Management Agency at the Institute of Archaeology of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan
  •  depuis 2000 : Head of Department of Stone Age, Institute of Archaeology, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan , Samarkand Branch
  • 1993-1995-  Visiting lectures on history and ethnography of ancient tribes of Middle Asia . Adam Miczkiewiz University in Poznan, Poland. Collective excavations of archaeological monuments of Medieval Time  in Slawno, Poland
  • 1987-2000 : Leader Researcher, Department of Stone Age, Institute of Archaeology, Samarkand;
  • 1985- 1987 : Scientific Researcher, Department of Stone Age, Institute of Archaeology, Samarkand 1979-1985 trainng and doctorate course in the  Institute of Archaeology of USSR, Leningrad
  •     1976-1977 : assistant of the Institute of Archaeology, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Samarkand;

Responsabilités scientifiques et administratives

Travaux de terrain et missions
  • depuis 2014 : Ouzbékistan, co-direction de la mission russo-ouzbèke, Institute of archaeology and ethnography of  Siberian Branch of Academy of Sciences of Russian Federation, Novosibirsk
  • depuis 2005 : Ouzbékistan, co-direction du programme « Pré- et Protohistoire du Kyzyl-Kum » de la Mission archéologique franco-ouzbèke MAFANAC/MAFAC
  • 2001 : Asie centrale, participation à la mission kazakho-kirghizo-norvégienne sur l’art rupestre
  • 1995-2005 : Ouzbékistan, co-direction de la mission ouzbèko-polonaise sur l’art rupestre, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland
  • 1992-2005 : Ouzbékistan, co-direction de la mission ouzbèko-polonaise, Warsaw University, Poland
  • 1998-1999 : Kazakhstan, participation à la mission kazakho-polono-ouzbèke
  • 1999-2000 : Ouzbékistan, participation à la mission italienne de paléoécologie;
  • 1995-1999- Ouzbékistan, Uzbek-Polish long-term archaeological expedition of Middle Paleolithic  sites (Kuturbulak) in Zerafshan River Valley and Kyzylkum Desert (Ayka-Gitma)
  • 1993-1995 – Kazakhstan, Uzbek-French-Kazakh  Survey of Rock Art of Kazakhstan (Tamgaly, Eshkaalmaz, Karatau);.
Responsabilités diverses
  • Since  1993- till now I am the member of International Association on studies of Rock Art IKOMOSSince 1998 – till now I am the member of Siberian Association of Prehistoric Art Researchers

Ouvrages publiés et dirigés

  • F. Brunet, M. Khudzhanazarov et H. Hoshimov (eds.), La néolithisation en Ouzbékistan : étude de la culture de Kel’teminar (VIIe-Ve millénaires av. n. è.). Le site d’Ajakagytma et la région du Bas-Zeravshan. De Boccard, collection MAFACAM : Paris.
  • Sulyamanov R.Kh., Kuchkorov R., Buryakov Yu.F., Akhmedov S., Khujanazarov M., Wulfert E., Yusupova M., Ashirov A. 2014. History of civilizations and prospects of their development. //Book-album, Manaviyat Publisher,Tashkent, Uzbekistan
  • Ryuji Takaki, Shinji Mizuno, Makito Kashiwabara, Muhiddin Khudjanazarov, Alexey E. Rogozhinsky and Boris Zheleznyakov.2013.  Petroglyphs in Central Asia. Printed in Kobe Design University, 2013. Nishi-ku, Kobe, Hyogo
  • Suleymanov R.Kh., Khaydarov R., Inoyatov S., Nekrasova E., Khujanazarov M.M., Kuchkorov R., Odilov Sh & Mirzaakhmedov Dj., 2011. Navoiy. Utmishi qadim, kelajagi nurli diyor. Navoiy – an ancient region with a bright future// Book-Photo-albom., Manaviyat Publisher, Tashkent
  • Muhiddin Khujanazarov., 2010. Rock Art monuments of Uzbekistan. Preliminarily thematic investigation ICOMOS on Rock Art of Central Asia. Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • Ryuji Takaki, Ritsuko Izuhara, Shinji Mizuno, Makito Kashiwabara and Muhiddin Khudjanazarov , 2010. Petroglyphs in Central Asia   Printed in Kobe Design University, 2010. Nishi-ku, Kobe, Hyogo
  • Muhiddin Khujanazarov., 2009. Ethnography and traditions of people of Sarmishsay 2009. International Institute of  Central Asian Studies
  • Ryuji Takaki, Juniche Toriwaki, Shinji Mizuno, Ritsuko Izuhara, Muhiddin Khujanazarov, Marina Reutova). 2007. Petroglyphs in Central Asia. Printed in Kobe Design University,  Nishi-ku Kobe, Hyogo
  • Karol Szymczak . Muhiddin Khujanazarov and etc. 2006. Exploring the neolithic of the Kyzyl-Kums. Ayakagytma “The Site” and other collections.  Institute of Arhaeology Warsaw University,  Warsaw, Poland.,
  • Petroglyphs of Central Asia.   K.Tashbayeva, M. Khujanazarov.,  V.Ranov, Z.Samashev 2001. //  Bishkek., Kyrgyzstan.
  • Alicja Lasota-Moskalewska and Muhiddin Khujanazarov. 2000. Petroglyphs of mammals in the Samisissaj Gorge, Uzbek Republik. Archaeozoollogical analysis Institute of Archaeology Warsaw University
  • Karol Szymchak , T.Gretchkina, M. Khujanazarov, T.Madeyska,  N.Tashkenbaev, R.Suleimanov, Ch.Falgueres, M.Fontugne.  2000.Kuturbulak Revisited .A Middle Palaeolithic Site in Zeravshan River Valley, Uzbekistan” // Warsaw
  • Khujanazarov M., Rozwadowski A., Stanislawski B. 1997. Sztuka naskalna Uzbekistanu // Instytut Prahstori UAM, Poznan,
  • Muhiddin Khujanazarov.1995. Rock Art of Khodjakent and Karakiyasay. Samarkand , 174pp.
  • Khujanazarov M., Rock Art of North-Eastern of Uzbekistan., 1985. Avtoreferat of PhD thesis . Leningrad, Soviet Union
  • Khujanazarov M., Rock Art of Parakandasay . History of  Materials and Culture of Uzbekistan. 1983. V.18; FAN Publisher,Tashkent

Articles scientifiques et chapitres d’ouvrages collectifs récents (depuis 2013)

  • M. Khudzhanazarov, F. Brunet et K. Szymczak, Arkheologicheskie issledovanija Uzbeksko-Frantsuzskoj ekspeditsii na pamjatnikakh Kyzylkumov (Les recherches archéologiques de la mission ouzbéko-française sur les sites du Kyzyl-Kum) ». In PIDAEV Sh. R. (éd.), Arkheologicheskie issledovanija v Uzbekistane 2004-2005 godu (Les recherches archéologiques en Ouzbékistan en 2004-2005), vol. 5 : 244-250. Ed. FAN : Tachkent
  • M. Khudzhanazarov, K. Szymczak et F. Brunet, Some Neolithic and Early Bronze Age Finds from Makhandaria Region ». In ANARBAEV A. A. (éd.), Istorija Uzbekistana v arkheologicheskikh i pismennykh istochnikakh (L’histoire de l’Ouzbékistan d’après les sources archéologiques et manuscrites) : 26-35. Ed. FAN : Tachkent.
  • Khujanazarov M., et. All., 1988Vurdo Minnelasien Musikgeschichte in Bilderen   Band 11,Lieferung 9 Leipzig, veb Deutscher verlag fur musik:p.  42-43
  • Khujanazarov M., Dance scenes on the rock drawings of  Usbekistan 1990. // Study Group for Musical Iconography Fourth Meeting. Bukhara 23-30-1X-
  • Khujanazarov M., Questions de chronologe des petroglyphes D’ouzbekistan // Colloque petroghyphes , Paris, 1995
  • Andjei Rozwadowski and Muhiddin Khujanazarov., 1997.  The earliest Rock Art of Uzbekistan in its Central Asian Context // Congreso International de Arte Rupepestre, Cochabamba, Bolivia, 1-6, de abrel de  Documentos.
  •      Khujanazarov M. & Shirinov T.Sh., 1998. The Rock Pictures of Uzbekistan // Bulletin of SCST of the Republic of Uzbekistan, dedicated to 1225 years since the birth-day of  Imam al-Buchari and 1200 years of Achmad al-Fergani, N 2 , 1998, Tashkent, p. 51-64.
  • Rock Paintings of Uzbekistan « Atriptothree thousand year Back // Buclets, Uzbek-tourism, Tashkent, 1998 .
  • Muhiddin Khujanazarov & Karol Shymczak 1999. Settlements of stone Age of Kyzylkum Desert. // Bulletin of the State Committee of sciences and Technology, V. 2., Tashkent, Uzbekistan : p. 45-57
  • Andrzej Rozwadowski & Muhiddin Khujanazarov., 1999.  The Earliest Rock Art of Uzbekistan in its Central Asian Context: Some Dilemmas with Chronological Estimations in Central Asian Rock Art // Dating and the earliest known Rock Art. Oxbow Books 1999. c.79-83 .
  • Muhiddin Khujanazarov., 1999. Ancient Rock Art in Uzbekistan // Archaologishe Mittelungen aus Iran und Turan . Band -31, Deutsches archaologisches Innstitut Eurasien – Abteilung Berlin: p.9-21.
  • K.Szymczak, R.Michniak & Muhiddin Khujanazarov., 1999.  Neolithic of the Kyzyl-Kum, Usbekistan // Flint raw materials of Ayakagetma The Site  VIII International Flint Symposium Bochum, 13-17. September Deutsches Bergbau-Museum:  р. 89-90.
  • A.Roswadowski &  Muhiddin Khujanazarov ., 2001. Graven images the forgotten Art of Ancient Uzbekistan  The Times of Central Asia. January 25, 2001, vol.3. Bishkek: p.14
  •  K.Szymczak, M.Fontugne, R.Michniak & Muhiddin Khujanazarov, 2001. A Reconnaissance geoarcheological Survey. 7500 cal.BP flood in Turanian Lowland, Central Asia    XIVe Congres Delunion Internationale des sciences prehistoriques et protohistoriques Liege,2-8 septembre 2001, р.241.
  •  K.Szymczak & Muhiddin Khujanazarov, 2001Poznokeltamenarski piec i towarzyszace mu zabutki ze stanowiska Ayakagytma, Uzbekistan // Konferencja Institutu Archeologii Uniwersitetu Warshawskiego 5-7 listopada 2001, p. 9-
  • Sarmishsay Rock Art studies,conservation and management., 2004. Materials of the International Scientific Conference “New approaches to studies, conservation and sustainable management of natural and cultural heritage of Sarmishsai” (8-16 Oktober, 2004) Navoi: p.  18-24.
  • A.M.Khujanazarov, V.A.Grutsinov, 2004. Dynamics of anthropogenic threats in natural landscape and cultural heritage of Sarmishsai Valley: new approaches and measures of its conservation.  Materials of the International Scientific Conference “New approaches to studies, conservation and sustainable management of natural and cultural heritage of Sarmishsai” (8-16 Oktober, 2004) Navoi 2004: p. 68-78
  • A.M.Khujanazarov, Miklashevich Е.А.& Cheremisin D.V., 2004.  Interdisciplinarly investigation of Rock Art of Sarmishsay in Uzbekistan.Problems of archaeology, ethnography and anthropology of Siberia and surrounding territories. , V. 10, Part 1. Materials of Annual Session of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of Siberian Branch of Academy of Sciences of Russian federation. Novosibirsk: P. 420-425
  • A.M.Khujanazarov, K.Szymczak,  F.Brunet Some Neolithic and early bronze age finds from  Makhandaria region.    2005.  «Узбекистон тарихи моддий маданият ва ёзма манбаларда» , FAN Publisher: р. 26-35
  • Muhiddin Khujanazarov., Kristina Toderich, Marina Reutova, 2005. Studies, conservation and sustainable management of cultural and  natural heritage of Sarmishsai, Nowbahor district, Navoi region, Uzbekistan (eds. by Anne-Sophie Hygen). Annual Report Oslo-Samarkand,: 64pp.
  • K.Szymczak, R.Michniak & M. Khujanazarov., 2006. The Neolithic of the Kyzyl-kums, Uzbekistan. Flint raw material from the site of Ayakagytma. Der Anschnitt zeitschrift fur kunst und kultur in bergbau. Beiheft 19. Stone Age- Mining Age. Bochum. P. 587-591.
  • K.Szymczak & M. Khujanazarov., 2006. Bullet-shaped core reduction in Kelteminar culture (Neolithic of Central Asia). The Stone Technique and Technology. Unwersytet Wroclawski, Instytut Archeologii SKAM Stowarzyszenie Krzemieniarskie Wroclaw. Р. 191-198.
  •  Ryuji Takaki, Juniche Toriwaki, Shinji Mizuno, Ritsuko Izuhara, M. Khujanazarov., Marina Reutova, 2006. Shape Analysis of Petroglyphs in Central Asia. Orginal Paper, V. 21: pp. 243-258
  • M.Khudzhanazarov, K.Szymczak The Stone Age of the Turanian Lowland. A Problem of Settlement Discontinuity…// Suyanggae and Her Neighbours. /The 11th International Symposium./ Lodz 2006, p.123-137
  • M.Khudzhanazarov, K. Szymczak, M. Przezdziecki, 2008. The Neolithic Red Dye Finds from Ayakagytma The Site South-Eastern Kyzyl-kums, Uzbekistan. // Przez Granice Czasu. /Ksiega jubileuszowa poswiecona profesorowi Jerzemu Gassowskiemu. Pultusk: pp.381-385.
  • Lasota-Moskalewska, K. Szymczak,  M.Khudzhanazarov, 2009. A problem of the earliest horse domestication. Data from the Neolithic camp Ayakagytma “The site”, Uzbekistan, Central Asia. // The horse and man in European antiquity (Worldview, burial rites, and military and everyday life). Archaeologia Baltica 11. Klaipeda: pp.14-21
  • M.Huzanazarow, B.Stanislawski.,2010. Szamani z dolinu Sarmishsaj.   Archeologia zywa.; Wroclaw, Poland, nr 01/2010, p.56-63
  • Lasota-Moskalewska, K. Szymczak, M.Khudzhanazarov., 2011. Najiwczesniejsze udomowienie konia Dane z neolitycznego obozowiska Ayakagytma „The Site”, Uzbekistan, Azja Srodkowa  Blisko I daleko. Ksiega Jubileuszowa Instytutu Archeologii Uniwersytetu Warszawsiego: pp. 81-87
  • Ryuji Takaki, Ritsuko Izuhara, Shinji Mizuno, Muhiddin  Khudjanazarov and Makito Kashiwabara Differences of petroglyph styles among Archaeological Sites with Spatial and Time-wise Distances. Printed in Kobe Design University, 2011. Nishi-ku, Kobe, Hyogo 651-2196 Forma, 25:pp.  45-48
  • Szymczak, M.Khudzhanazarov., 2011. Na wschod od Edenu. Sady potopu sprzed 7500 lat w Azji Srodkowej    Blisko I daleko. Ksiega Jubileuszowa Instytutu Archeologii Uniwersytetu Warszawsiego: pp. 89-97
  • F.Brunet, M.Khudhzanazarov, H.Hoshimov., 2012. Nouvelles donnees sur la chronologie de laculture de Kelteminar (VII-IV millenaires) en Ouzbekistan. In the Bulletine „Histiory of the Material and Culture  of Uzbekistan” .V. 38, Samarkand: pp.118-125.
  • Jean-Denis Vigne, Brunet Frédérique, Debue Karyne, Mathilde Rozen and Khudzhanazarov Muhiddin., 2013.  An original use of fossils for making tools? Bones & Identity.    Reconstructing Archaeozoology of South West Asia. Aswa Haifa: P 69
  • Khujanazarov, F. Brunet, J.-D. Vigne. 2014. Reconstruction of ancient fauna and flora from Ajakagytma (Uzbekistan, Kelteminar, 7 th -5 th millennia cal BC). // Innovations for sustainability and food security in arid and semiarid lands. 2 nd International Conference on Arid Lands Studies. 10-14 September, 2014. Samarkand, Uzbekistan (Abstract Book). Tashkent. P. 65
  • Khujanazarov. Conservation of cultural and natural heritage of Sarmishsay. // Innovations for sustainability and food security in arid and semiarid lands. 2 nd International Conference on Arid Lands Studies. 10-14 September, 2014. Samarkand, Uzbekistan (Abstract Book). Tashkent 2014. P. 66
  • Khujanazarov., 2014. The Chronology of Petroglyphs of Sarmishsay //The Archaic and Traditional Art: problems of scientific and artistic interpretation”., Novosibirsk: pp.101-104
  •  Małgorzata Kot, Konstantin Pavlenok, Maciej T. Krajcarz, Magdalena Krajcarz, Svetlana Sneider, Sergei Yu. Lazarev, Mukhiddin Khudzanazarov, Karol Szymczak. 2015//Middle Paleolithic of the Western Tian Shan Piedmont, Uzbekistan: Primary Results of the Investigation on the Katta Sai 1 and Katta Sai 2 open air sites. Bulletine „Histiory of the Material and Culture  of Uzbekistan” .V. 33, Saamrkand.
  • Kot, K. Pavlenok, А. Radzhabov, S. Sneider & K. Szymczak, M. Khujanazarov., 2015. Katta Sai: a Palaeolithic site in the Tian Shan piedmont, Uzbekistan, Central Asia // Antiqity. –– URL: