Chercheur associé
Chercheur à l’Institut d’Histoire, d’Archéologie et d’Ethnologie A. Donish de l’Académie des Sciences de la République du Tadjikistan
Directeur de la Base archéologique de Pendzhikent/Sarazm

Adresse professionnelle
Institut d’Histoire A. Donish AN RT,
33, avenue Rudaki,
734025 Douchambé,Tadjikistan
Tél. : (+992 37) 221-37-42

Domaines géographiques

  • Asie centrale ; Tadjikistan

Domaines thématiques

  • Pré- et Protohistoire du Tadjikistan
  • Tracéologie lithique
  • Architecture
  • Conservation et préservation du patrimoine archéologique


  • 1990 – 1994: Institute of History of Material Culture, Academie des Sciencies de in St. Petersoburg. – Laboratoire de Tracéologie  du Professeur G.F. Korobkova
  • 1980 – 1984:  Faculty of History, State University V.I. Lenin, Dushanbe


  • Lauréat des médailles Hizmathoi Shoista et Alochia Farhang.
  • Responsable de l’inclusion du site de Sarazm sur la Liste de Patrimoine de l’Unesco.

Responsabilités scientifiques et administratives

  • 1992- 1994 : Participation aux missions de recherche archeologique experimentale en Lituanie (1992-1993) et Moldavie (1994) sous la direction du  professeur G. F. Korobkova, du Experimental Laboratory of the Institute of History and Material Culture deSt. Petersburg.
  • 1989-1991 : Participation aux recherches archéologiques de l’Intitute of History and Material Culture de St. Petersburg (dir. Professor V. I. Masson) sur les sites de Dzhaytun etIlginly Depe (Turkmenistan).
  • Depuis 1983: codirector des fouilles archéologiques de Sarazm, Tadjikistan. Collaboration avec la Mission Archéologique Française en Asie Centrale depuis 1984. Collaboration avec   l’Université de Harvard  en 1985.


  • A. RAZZOKOV, Sarazm – 5500 years. – Dushanbe, 1997, 76 pp.
  • A. RAZZOKOV, Sarazm (Tools of the Trade and Economy of ancient agricultural tribes of Sarazm) – Dushanbe, 2009



  • БРУНЕТ Ф. и РАЗЗОКОВ А.., О новом понимании Енеолита в Центральной Азии. Каменная индустрия Саразма (Таджикистан): первые результаты технологического анализа. Муаррих (Историк) 2.6, p. 30-39. Душанбе.
  • BRUNET F. and RAZZOKOV A., “Towards a New Characterisation of the Chalcolithic in Central Asia. The Lithic Industry of Sarazm (Tajikistan): the First Results of the Technological Analysis”. In Lefevre V., Didier A. et Mutin B. (eds), South Asian Archaeology and Art 2012, volume 1 (Man and Environment in Prehistoric and Protohistoric South Asia: New Perspectives), p. 49-62. Brepols Publishers. Turnhout, Belgium
  • БРУНЕТ Ф., ФРАНКФОРТ A.-П., РАЗЗОКОВ А. и МУТИН Б., Результаты археологических исследований Саразма в 2012 году (Труды таджикско-французской совместной експедиции МАФАК). Археологические Работы в Таджикистане 38, p. 15-38. Душанбе.
  • MUTIN B., A. RAZZOKOV, R. BESENVAL, et H.-P. FRANCFORT, « Resuming Joint Tajik-French Fieldwork at Sarazm, Tajikistan. Preliminary Activity Report on the 2011-2012 field Seasons », In Lefevre V., Didier A. et Mutin B. (eds), South Asian Archaeology and Art 2012, volume 1 (Man and Environment in Prehistoric and Protohistoric South Asia: New Perspectives), p. 197-210. Brepols Publishers. Turnhout, Belgium


  • ФРАНЦФОРТ А.-П., РАЗЗОКОВ А. и МЮТАН Б, « Результаты археологических исследований протогородского поселения Саразм в 2011 году (совместная таджиско-французская експедиция), Археологические работы в Таджикистане 37, p. 25-77.


  • MUTIN B. et A. RAZZOKOV, « Contacts across the Hinku Kush in the Bronze Age. Additional insights from Sarazm – Soundings 11-11A (Tajikistan) », Archäologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan 46, p. 123-147


  • A. ISAKOV, R. BEZENVAL, A. RAZZOKOV, S. Bobomulloev. Raboti Sovetko-Franzusskoy expedizii v 1990 (Works of Soviet – French expedition in 1990),  Archeologisheskie raboti v Tadjikistane (ART) Vol. XXVIII, p. 131-149.
  • ISAKOV, R. BEZENVAL, SH. KURBANOV, A. RAZZOKOV. Raboti sarazmskogo otryada v 1989 (Excavation of Sarazm group in 1989). – Published in: ART, Vol. XXVIII, Dushanbe, 2003. p. 150 – 167.


  • Sarazm 15 km garbtar az Panjakent (Sarazm 15 km to west from Pendjikent), Gazetai Chumhuriyat, № 6.


  • I. ISAKOV, A. R. RAZZOKOV, S. BOBOMULLOEV. Raskopki sarazmskogo otryada v 1988 g (Excavations of Sarazm group in 1988), Archeologisheskie raboti v Tadjikistane (ART) (Archeological surveys in Tadjikistan) Vol. XXVII, Dushanbe – 2000 p. 172 – 189.


  • A. RAZZOKOV, Sarazmskie chrami ognya (Sarazm’s fire temples),  Drevnie zivilizasii i eyo rol v razvitii kulturi Zentralnoy Asii v Epochu Samanidov (tesizi dokladov I soobsheniy), Dushanbe, p. 60 – 62.


  • A. RAZZOKOV, S. BOBOMULLOEV. Tarihi omuzishi hafriyoti bostonshinosii sargahi Zarafshan (History of the study of archaeological monuments of the upper valley of Zarafshan), Dushanbe – 1997. 47 p.
  • A. RAZZOKOV, Drevnie rudniki verchoviya dolini Zeravshana (Old mine in the upper of Zeravshan valley). – in 50 – years of excavations of ancient Penjikent. Abstracts of scientific conference (15 – 20.08.1997), Pendjikent, p. 44 – 46.
  • A. RAZZOKOV, Sangnigorahoi sargahi Zarafshan. (Rock carvings of the upper valley of Zeravshan), Dairy Mugon, Penjikent, p 24 – 25.


  • A. RAZZOKOV, Orudiya ochoti iz Sarazma (Hunting tools from Sarazm, with experimental investigative data). – Published in: Experimentalno trasologicheskie isledovaniya v archeologii, Sankt Petersburg, 1994.


  • A. RAZZOKOV, Metalloobrabatyvayuschie orudiya Sarazma (Tools of the Metalworking from Sarazm, with experimental investigative data),  in: Izvestia AN RT, Seriya obschestvenich nauk, Dushanbe,  № 1- 2, p. 70 – 73.
  • A. RAZZOKOV, Bozyofthoi kuhshinosoni ahdi Birinchi (Metallurgy of paleometal age), in: Ilm va Hayot, Dushanbe, № 3 – 4, p. 36 – 38.


  • A. RAZZOKOV, Kostyanye orudiya Sarazma (Bone tools from Sarazm), in: Izvestia AN RT. Seriya obschestvenich nauk, Dushanbe, 1992, № 3, p.37-42.
  • R. BEZENVAL, A.R. RAZZOKOV. Poiski istochnikov sirya i poselenie epochi poleometala v basseyne verchnego Zeravshana (The search for sources of raw materials and the settlement of the paleometal area in the upper of basin of Zarafshan), in: Izuchenie kulturnich vzaimodeystviy i novie archeologicheskie otkritiya (The study of cultural interactions and new archaeological discoveries), Materialy plenuma (Materials of Plenium) IHMC, 11- 14. 04. 1992, Sankt Petersburg, p. 80-82

Pour en savoir plus : UNESCO ; Academia