MUTIN Benjamin

Professeur d’archéologie de l’Orient ancien à Sorbonne Université
Chercheur associé

Mission Archéologique Franco-Iranienne en Iran du Sud-Est (MAFISE)

Adresse professionnelle
Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art 2, rue Vivienne 75002 Paris
Institut d’Art et Archéologie 3, rue Michelet 75006 Paris

Domaines géographiques

  • Moyen-Orient à l’Asie centrale et l’Asie du Sud

Domaines thématiques

  • Néolithisation, Néolithique, Chalcolithique, âge du Bronze, fouilles, prospections, culture matérielle, céramique, interactions, archéologie du paysage, évolution Homme-Environnement en milieu désertique.


  • 2021 : Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches.
  • 2009-2011 : Post-Doctorat, Université de Harvard, Département d’Anthropologie (Cambridge, USA).
  • 2007 : Doctorat de Préhistoire, Ethnologie et Anthropologie, Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Mention Très Honorable, Félicitations à l’unanimité).

Emplois et enseignement

Professeur d’archéologie de l’Orient ancien à Sorbonne Université.
Chercheur permanent de l’équipe Mondes Sémitiques de l’UMR 8167 – Orient & Méditerranée, Texte, Archéologie, Histoire.

Université de Harvard, Département d’Anthropologie
  • 2019-2020 : Maître de conférences (lecturer)
  • 2012-2019 : Chercheur associé (associateresearch fellow)
  • 2009-2011 : Post-doctorant
CNRS-ArScAn, équipe Archéologie de l’Asie centrale
  • Depuis 2015 : Chercheur associé
  • 2012-2014 : Chercheur contractuel
CNRS-UMR 9993 – Centre de Recherche Archéologique Indus-Balochistan – Musée Guimet
  • 2001-2007 : Nombreux contrats de vacataire, assistant, ingénieur
  • 1998-2008 : Nombreux contrats de fouille et de post-fouille
Affiliations professionnelles
  • Deutsches Archäologisches Institut ; Institut Français de Recherche en Iran ; European Association for South Asian Archaeology and Art ; American Schools of Oriental Research ; Society for American Archaeology ; Harvard University Standing Committee on Archaeology ; ARWA – International Association for Archaeological Research in Western and Central Asia ; GIS Réseau-Asie.

Prix, bourses et distinctions

  • Depuis 2017 : Membre élu du Deutsches Archäologisches Institut.
  • Depuis 2016 : Allocation de recherche pour mission archéologique du Ministère de l’Europe et des Affaires Étrangères pour la MAFISE (Iran).
  • 2016 : Prix de la Fondation Dumesnil. Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres.
  • 2014-2016 : The Shelby White – Leon Levy Program for Archaeological Publications: subvention pour la publication des travaux de la Mission Archéologique Française au Tadjikistan (1984-1994), fouilles du Chantier VII à Sarazm et prospections conduites par R. Besenval.
  • 2009-2011 : The Shelby White – Leon Levy Program for Archaeological Publications: subvention pour la publication de la période proto-élamite à Tepe Yahya (Iran) : The Proto-Elamite Settlement and its Neighbors: Tepe Yahya IVC. American School of Prehistoric Research Monograph Series, Harvard University et Oxbow Books, Oxford, UK et Oakville, CT, USA.
  • Depuis 2011 : Subventions de l’American School of Prehistoric Research, Université de Harvard.

Responsabilités scientifiques et administratives

Direction de missions et programmes archéologiques 
  • Depuis 2016 : Directeur de la Mission Archéologique Franco-Iranienne en Iran du Sud-Est (MAFISE).
  • Depuis 2023 : Co-responsable du volet Préhistoire de la Mission Archéologique Française du Bassin de l’Indus (MAFBI).
  • 2006 : Mission archéologique à Shahr-i Sokhta, Séistan (dir. M. Casanova, Université de Rennes 2). Responsable des fouilles et études.
  • 2011-2014 : Mission Archéologique Française en Asie Centrale (dir. H.-P. Francfort puis F. Brunet, CNRS-UMR 7041, MAEDI-MEAE, Académie des Sciences du Tadjikistan). Responsable des fouilles et études, directeur par intérim en 2013.
  • 2000-2012 : Mission Archéologique Française au Makran (Pakistan)(dir. R. Besenval, CNRS-UMR 9993, MAE, Pakistan Exploration Branch). Responsable de fouilles, prospections, études.
  • 2005 : Mission archéologique franco-allemande à Hérat (Afghanistan) (dir. R. Besenval et U. Franke, Délégation Archéologique Française en Afghanistan, MAE, Deutsches Archäologisches Institut). Responsable de fouilles, prospections, études.
Responsabilités diverses
  • Membre de l’École Doctorale ED 124 de Sorbonne Université, UFR Lettres, Histoire de l’Art et Archéologie.
  • Membre du Conseil Scientifique et Stratégique du Pôle TRIAC (Turquie, Russie, Iran, Asie Centrale) des Unités mixtes des instituts français de recherche.
  • Membre du comité restreint de l’IFRI (Institut Français de Recherche en Iran).
  • Associate au Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology de l’Université de Harvard, Cambridge.
  • Membre élu du Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Berlin, depuis 2017.
Activités éditoriales
  • Co-directeur de la revue Paléorient.
  • Membre de comités éditoriaux et scientifiques de publications scientifiques : Archäologische Mitteilungen aus Iran and Turan ; Journal of Ancient Balochistan ; Journal of the Society for Iranian Archaeology ; THE EAST Collection, OXUS scientific series – Studies in the Archaeology and History of Central Asia, from the Caspian Sea to Xinjiang (Brepols Publishers).
  • Évaluation d’articles pour publications scientifiques : Antiquity, Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy, Archaeological Research in Asia, European Association of South-Asian Archaeologists, Iran – Journal of the British Institute of Persian Studies, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, Plos one.
Programmes scientifiques
  • 2010-2016 : Collaborateur au programme Coordinated, Regional Trace-Element Studies at the OSU-RC Archaeometry Lab, A Re-Evaluation of the Uruk Expansion and Interregional Ceramic Exchange in the Late fourth Millennium BC(dir. Minc, Oregon State University, Radiation Center, National Science Foundation).
  • 2012-2016 : Collaborateur au programme ROXIANA – Archaeological Research on the Metallic and Pottery Assemblages from the Oxus Basin to the Indus Valley during Protohistory (dir. -P. Francfort et N. Boroffka, CNRS, Deutsches Archäologische Institut, Agence Nationale de la Recherche).
  • 2005-2013 : Membre du programme Protohistoire du Balochistan et de la vallée de l’Indus (dir. J.-F. Jarrige, CNRS-UMR9993).
Organisation de colloques
  • 2017 : Membre du comité scientifique de la conférence Silk Cities. Reconnect Population to Urban Heritage in the Middle East and Central Asia. Second Silk Cities International Conference. The Bartlett Development Planning Unit. University College London (Londres, Royaume-Uni).
  • 2017 : Membre du comité scientifique de laSecond International Conference on the Archaeology of Southeastern Iran (Jiroft, Iran).
  • 2013 : Organisation du symposium Contacts between Central Asia, Middle-Asia, and the Arabian Peninsula in the Bronze Age: A Triangulation between three “Archaeological Worlds”, 78thAnnual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology (Honolulu, HI, États-Unis).

34 documents

Articles dans une revue

  • Benjamin Mutin. La place des échanges interculturels dans la formation des civilisations anciennes des mondes iranien, centrasiatique et indien (VIIe – IIe millénaires av. n. è.). Comptes-rendus des séances de l'Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres, A paraître. ⟨hal-03929568⟩
  • Benjamin Mutin. Les premiers villages agricoles de l’est du plateau Iranien à la vallée de l’Indus : état de la question. L'anthropologie, 2022, 126 (3), ⟨10.1016/j.anthro.2022.103050⟩. ⟨hal-03856111⟩
  • Benjamin Mutin, Omran Garazhian, Maryam Shakooie. The Neolithic regional settlement of Darestan, Southern Lut Desert, Iran. Archaeological Research in Asia, 2020, 24, ⟨10.1016/j.ara.2020.100230⟩. ⟨hal-03856120⟩
  • Benjamin Mutin. Of Intercultural Interaction and Innovation: A Case-study based on Late Chalcolithic Copper Objects from Pakistan and their Parallels in Iran and Central Asia. Archäologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan, 2020, 49, pp.101-121. ⟨hal-03929575⟩
  • Hossein Sarhaddi-Dadian, Benjamin Mutin, Hossein Moradi. New Data on the Chalcolithic and Bronze Age Periods in the South-Eastern Greater Periphery of the Jazmurian Basin: Archaeological Survey Along the Sarbaz Valley and in Adjacent Areas in Iranian Baluchestan. Iran : journal of the British Institute of Persian Studies, 2019, 58 (1), pp.3-26. ⟨10.1080/05786967.2019.1566762⟩. ⟨hal-03856144⟩
  • Benjamin Mutin, Omran Garazhian. Iranian-French Archaeological Mission in Bam, Kerman. Summary of Field-Seasons 2016-2017. Archaeology. Journal of the Iranian Center for Archaeological Research, 2019, 2 (2), pp.93-106. ⟨hal-03929580⟩
  • Benjamin Mutin, H.-P. Francfort. Bronze Age Relationships between Central Asia and the Indus: Archaeology, Language, and Genetics. Marg-A Magazine of the Arts, 2019, 70 (4), pp.14-25. ⟨hal-03929585⟩
  • Benjamin Mutin, Leah Minc. The Formative Phase of the Helmand Civilization, Iran and Afghanistan: New Data from Compositional Analysis of Ceramics from Shahr-i Sokhta, Iran. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2019, 23, pp.881-899. ⟨hal-03929588⟩
  • Frédérique Brunet, Benjamin Mutin, H.-P. Francfort, Abdurauf Razzokov, Roland Besenval. Archaeological study of Sarazm in 2014 by the Tajik-French joint expedition (MAFAC) (en russe). Arkheologicheskie raboty v Tadzhikistane, 2019, 40, pp.64-80. ⟨hal-03929577⟩
  • Benjamin Mutin, Omran Garazhian. Iranian-French Archaeological Mission in Bam, Kerman. Summary of Field-Seasons 2016-2017. Archaeology, 2019, 2 (2), pp.93-106. ⟨hal-03856131⟩
  • Benjamin Mutin, Omran Garazhian. Bam Archaeological Mission (BAM). A New Archaeological Research Program in Kerman Province, Iran. Antiquity Project Gallery, 2018, 93 (363). ⟨hal-03929591⟩
  • Benjamin Mutin, Leah Minc, C.C. Lamberg-Karlovsky, Maurizio Tosi. Regional and Long-Distance Exchanges of an Emblematic “Prestige” Ceramic in the Indo-Iranian Borderlands. Results of Neutron Activation Analysis. Paléorient, 2017, 43 (1), pp.141-162. ⟨hal-03929596⟩
  • Frédérique Brunet, H.-P. Francfort, Benjamin Mutin, Abdurauf Razzokov. Results of the archaeological research at Sarazm, 2013. Fieldwork of the Tajik-French Expedition (MAFAC) (en russe). Arkheologicheskie raboty v Tadzhikistane, 2017, 39, pp.20-39. ⟨hal-03929597⟩
  • Benjamin Mutin, Hossein Moradi, Hossein Sarhaddi-Dadian, Hassan Fazeli-Nashli, Mojtaba Soltani. New Discoveries in the Bampur Valley (southeastern Iran) and their Implications for the Understanding of Settlement Pattern in the Indo-Iranian Borderlands during the Chalcolithic Period. Iran : journal of the British Institute of Persian Studies, 2017, 55 (1), pp.1-21. ⟨hal-03929594⟩

Communications dans un congrès

  • Omran Garazhian, Benjamin Mutin, Friederike Jürcke, Siavash Samei, Saeedeh Ashari, et al.. Current fieldwork in the Lut Desert region (southeastern Iran) sheds new light on the Indo-Iranian Borderlands Neolithic. 25th International Conference of the European Association of South Asian Archaeologists, 2022, Barcelone, Spain. ⟨hal-03929820⟩
  • Friederike Jürcke, Benjamin Mutin, Omran Garazhian, Cameron A. Petrie. High-resolution historical satellite imagery and the Neolithic Landscape of South-Eastern Iran. ResourceScapes in the Iranian Highlands. Water, Wind and Minerals as Factors of Appropriation and Integration, 2022, Bochum, Germany. ⟨hal-03929818⟩
  • Sylvain Bauvais, Aurore Didier, Henri-Paul Francfort, Benjamin Mutin, Sophie Méry, et al.. Caractérisation chimique de céramiques du Pakistan et de l'Asie centrale (4ème – 3ème millénaires av. n. è.) : Étude prospective par fluorescence X portable. Analyse non destructive mobile des objets d’art et des matériaux du patrimoine, Ecole thématique CNRS Analyse et Patrimoine, Sep 2015, Sèvres, France. ⟨halshs-02985628⟩

Proceedings/Recueil des communications

  • Benjamin Mutin, Abdurauf Razzokov, Frédérique Brunet, H.-P. Francfort. 2011-2014 Fieldwork of the Tajik-French Project at Sarazm. Dev, pp.21-34, 2020. ⟨hal-03929528⟩
  • Omran Garazhian, Benjamin Mutin, Kourosh Mohammadkhani. Comparative Assessment of Geomagnetic Survey Results with Archaeological Test-Trenches. Case study of Tell-e Atashi, Darestan, Southeastern Kerman (in Persian). ICAR & RICHT, pp.410-413, 2019, 16th Annual Symposium on the Iranian Archaeology (A Collection of Short Articles 2017). ⟨hal-03929538⟩

Ouvrages (y compris édition critique et traduction)

  • Benjamin Mutin, C C Lamberg-Karlovsky (Dir.). The Proto-Elamite Settlement and its Neighbors: Tepe Yahya Period IVC.. Oxbow books, 2013. ⟨hal-02429709⟩

Chapitres d'ouvrage

  • Benjamin Mutin, C.C. Lamberg-Karlovsky. The Relationship between the Oxus Civilization and the Indo-Iranian Borderlands. B. Lyonnet & N.A. Dubova. The World of the Oxus Civilization, Routledge, pp.551-589, 2021. ⟨hal-03928891⟩
  • Aurore Didier, Benjamin Mutin. The regional settlement of Kech-Makran, Pakistan between the fifth and third millennia BCE. Benjamin Mutin; Nasir Eskandari. Advances in Archaeological Research on the Southeastern Iranian Plateau, In press. ⟨halshs-03475310⟩
  • Benjamin Mutin. The metallic assemblage from Excavation VII at Sarazm. N. Ubaidullo. Sbornik materialov konferesii posvyasheniy 5500-letiyu Sarazma, Donish, 2021. ⟨hal-03928892⟩
  • Benjamin Mutin, Omran Garazhian. Migrations, transfers, exchanges, convergences? Assessing similarities and differences among the earliest farmers between the Daulatabad and Kachi Plains (Southern Iran and Pakistan). Marc Lebeau. Identity, Diversity & Contacts. Proceedings of the International Congress The East 1, Brepols, pp.113-136, 2021, Identity, Diversity & Contacts. Proceedings of the International Congress The East 1, 978-2-503-58949-7. ⟨hal-03856097⟩
  • Benjamin Mutin. Exploring gender inequality between Makran and Turan during the Bronze Age. D. Usai, S. Tuzatto & M. Vidale. Tales of three worlds. Archaeology and beyond: Asia, Italy, Africa. A tribute to Sandro Salvatori, Archaeopress, pp.85-97, 2020. ⟨hal-03929531⟩
  • Ute Franke, Benjamin Mutin, Cécile Buquet-Marcon. Excavations and Explorations in Kuhandaz and the Old City. Excavations in Kuhandaz. U. Franke & T. Urban. Ancient Herat Vol. 2. Excavations and Explorations in Herat City, 689-732, pp.689-732, 2017. ⟨hal-03929544⟩
  • Benjamin Mutin, Roland Besenval. Further Explorations – Herat City Survey. The Old City Survey. U. Franke & T. Urban. Ancient Herat Vol. 2. Excavations and Explorations in Herat City, Druck & Medien, pp.733-735, 2017. ⟨hal-03929551⟩
  • Benjamin Mutin. Ost-Iran und der Osten in der Bronzezeit. B. Helwing & S. Annen. Iran, Frühe Kulturen zwischen Wasser und Wüste, 13.4.2017-20.8.2017, Kunsthalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, pp.90-95, 2017. ⟨hal-03929553⟩

Article de blog scientifique


  • Aurore Didier, David Sarmiento Castillo, Zafar Iqbal, Zakir Khan, Ali K Lashari, et al.. French Archaeological Mission in the Indus Basin. Excavations at Chanhu-daro, Sindh. Field-season 2024. Directorate General of Antiquities and Archaeology. Culture, Tourism, Antiquities and Archives Department, Government of Sindh. 2024. ⟨hal-04504711⟩
  • Benjamin Mutin, Ali K Lashari, Danish Sheik Ahmed, Syed Faraz Ali, Syed Ali Shah, et al.. Pakistani-French Archaeological Survey of the Indus Basin. MAFBI - Mission Archéologique Française du Bassin de l'Indus. 2024. ⟨hal-04504550⟩
  • Aurore Didier, Benjamin Mutin, Sylvain Bauvais, Christophe Cloquet, Jérôme Marin, et al.. Compositional analyses of Chalcolithic and Bronze Age ceramics from the Indo-Iranian Borderlands and southern Central Asia: Preliminary results and interpretations. CNRS UMR7041 - Archéologies et Sciences de l'Antiquité; DAI-Eurasien Abteilung. 2016. ⟨hal-03929567⟩
  • Aurore Didier, Benjamin Mutin. Report on Compositional Analysis of Chalcolithic – Bronze Age Ceramics from Kachi-Bolan (Pakistan), Kech-Makran (Pakistan), Indus Valley (Pakistan), Mundigak and Shortughaï (Afghanistan).. CNRS UMR7041 - Archéologies et Sciences de l'Antiquité; DAI-Eurasien Abteilung. 2016. ⟨halshs-03914718⟩
  • Benjamin Mutin, Sylvain Bauvais, Christophe Cloquet, Jérôme Marin, Sariel Shalev. Compositional analyses of ceramics from Sarazm, Tajikistan: Preliminary results and interpretations. CNRS UMR7041 - Archéologies et Sciences de l'Antiquité; DAI-Eurasien Abteilung. 2016. ⟨hal-03929563⟩

Ouvrages publiés
  • 1-2023 Mutin Benjamin. Sarazm: A Site Along the Proto-Silk Road at the Intersection of the Steppe and Oasis Cultures. Turnhout: Brepols (Oxus Series).
  • 2-2013 Mutin Benjamin. The Proto-Elamite Settlement and its Neighbors: Tepe Yahya Period IVC. Oxford, UK et Oakville, CT, USA: Oxbow Books (American School of Prehistoric Research (ASPR) Monograph Series, Harvard University).
Ouvrages et actes de colloques co-édités et co-dirigés
  • 3-à paraître Mutin Benjamin & Eskandari Nasir. The Archaeology of the South-Eastern Iranian Plateau. Essays in Honor of C.C. Lamberg-Karlovsky for his 85th Birthday. Turnhout: Brepols (Aratta series).
  • 4-2016 Lefèvre Vincent, Didier Aurore & Mutin Benjamin. South Asian Archaeology and Art 2012. Man and Environment in Prehistoric and Protohistoric South Asia: New Perspectives. Proceedings of the Twenty-First Conference of the European Association of South-Asian Archaeologists (Paris, 2-6 July 2012). Turnhout: Brepols (INDPL 12).
Chapitres d’ouvrages, d’actes de colloques et de catalogues d’expositions (* à comité de lecture)
  • 5-à paraître Didier Aurore & Mutin Benjamin. Seals and seal impressions from Kech-Makran (Balochistan, Southwestern Pakistan), 4th and 3rd Millennia BCE. In: Parpola A. & Koskikallio P. (eds.), Corpus of Indus Seals and Inscriptions, Volume 3.3: Indo-Iranian Borderlands. Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia (Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae, Humaniora).
  • 6-à paraître *Didier Aurore & Mutin Benjamin. The regional settlement of Kech-Makran, Pakistan, between the fifth and first millennia BCE. In: Mutin B. & Eskandari N. (eds.), Recent Advances in Archaeological Research on the South-Eastern Iranian Plateau. Turnhout: Brepols (Aratta Series).
  • 7-à paraître *Fouache Éric, Cosandey Claude & Mutin Benjamin. Does climate change explain settlement decline in southeastern Iran during the Bronze Age? An evaluation of the Hilmand Basin and the Bam region. In: Mutin B. & Eskandari N. (eds.), Recent Advances in Archaeological Research on the South-Eastern Iranian Plateau. Turnhout: Brepols (Aratta Series).
  • 8-à paraître *Jürcke Friederike, Mutin Benjamin, Garazhian Omran & Petrie Cameron. The development of water management in prehistoric south-eastern Iran: new evidence from remote sensing in Darestan, Bam. In: Mutin B. & Eskandari N. (eds.), Recent Advances in Archaeological Research on the South-Eastern Iranian Plateau. Turnhout: Brepols (Aratta Series).
  • 9-à paraître *Moradi Hossein, Shafiee Mozhgan, Mutin Benjamin & Sarhaddi-Dadian Hossein. Mapping Social Interaction in South-Eastern Iran during the Chalcolithic Period: Updated Field Data from Iranian Balochistan. In: Mutin B. & Eskandari N. (eds.), Recent Advances in Archaeological Research on the South-Eastern Iranian Plateau. Turnhout: Brepols (Aratta Series).
  • 10-2022 Mutin Benjamin, Razzokov Abdurauf & Razzokov Farhod. One Cylinder-Seal and Four Stamp-Seals(?): Review of the Evidence for “Administrative Practices” at the Proto-Urban Site of Sarazm, Tajikistan. In: Parpola A. & Koskikallio P. (eds.), Corpus of Indus Seals and Inscriptions, Volume 3.3: Indo-Iranian Borderlands: lx-lxx. Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia (Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae, Humaniora 386).
  • 11-2022 Garazhian Omran & Mutin Benjamin. Copper Compartmented Seals from the Bam Region (Kerman, Iran). In: Parpola A. & Koskikallio P. (eds.), Corpus of Indus Seals and Inscriptions, Volume 3.3: Indo-Iranian Borderlands: xliii-xlvii. Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia (Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae, Humaniora 386).
  • 12-2021          *Mutin Benjamin & Garazhian Omran. Migrations, transfers, exchanges, convergences? Assessing similarities and differences among the earliest farmers between the Daulatabad and Kachi Plains (Southern Iran and Pakistan). In: Lebeau M. (ed.), Identity, Diversity & Contacts. Proceedings of the International Congress The East 1: 113-136. Turnhout: Brepols.
  • 13-2021          *Mutin Benjamin & Lamberg-Karlovsky C.C. The Relationship between the Oxus Civilization and the Indo-Iranian Borderlands. In: Lyonnet B. & Dubova N.A. (eds.), The World of the Oxus Civilization: 551-589. New York: Routledge (The Routledge Worlds Series).
  • 14-2021          Mutin Benjamin. The metallic assemblage from Excavation VII at Sarazm. In: Ubaidullo N. (ed.), Sbornik materialov konferesii posvyasheniy 5500-letiyu Sarazma. Dushanbe: Donish.
  • 15-2020 *Mutin Benjamin, Razzokov Abdurauf, Brunet Frédérique & Francfort Henri-Paul. 2011-2014 Fieldwork of the Tajik-French Project at Sarazm. In: Greaves L. & Hardy A. (eds.), Religions, Society, Trade and Kingship: Archaeology and Art in South Asia and along the Silk Road: 21-34. New Delhi: Dev.
  • 16-2020          Mutin Benjamin. Exploring gender inequality between Makran and Turan during the Bronze Age. In: Usai D., Tuzatto S. & Vidale M. (eds.), Tales of three worlds. Archaeology and beyond: Asia, Italy, Africa. A tribute to Sandro Salvatori: 85-97. Oxford: Archaeopress.
  • 17-2019          Garazhian Omran, Mutin Benjamin & Mohammadkhani Kourosh. Comparative Assessment of Geomagnetic Survey Results with Archaeological Test-Trenches. Case study of Tell-e Atashi, Darestan, Southeastern Kerman (in Persian). In: Shirazi R. (ed.), 16th Annual Symposium on the Iranian Archaeology (A Collection of Short Articles 2017): 410-413. Tehran: ICAR and RICHT.
  • 18-2019          Garazhian Omran & Mutin Benjamin. General archaeological survey of the Bam-Narmashir region with an emphasis on Darestan (in Persian). In: Shirazi R. (ed.), 15th Annual Symposium on the Iranian Archaeology (A Collection of Short Articles 2016): 314-318. Tehran: ICAR and RICHT.
  • 19-2017          Franke Ute, Mutin Benjamin & Buquet Cécile. Excavations and Explorations in Kuhandaz and the Old City. Excavations in Kuhandaz. In: Franke U. & Urban T. (eds.), Ancient Herat Vol. 2. Excavations and Explorations in Herat City: 689-732. Stuttgart: Druck & Medien, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin.
  • 20-2017          Mutin Benjamin & Besenval Roland. Further Explorations – Herat City Survey. The Old City Survey. In: Franke U. & Urban T. (eds.), Ancient Herat Vol. 2. Excavations and Explorations in Herat City: 733-735. Stuttgart: Druck & Medien, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin.
  • 21-2017          Mutin Benjamin. Ost-Iran und der Osten in der Bronzezeit. In: Helwing B. & Annen S. (eds.), Iran, Frühe Kulturen zwischen Wasser und Wüste, 13.4.2017-20.8.2017: 90-95. Bonn: Kunsthalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland.
  • 22-2016          *Mutin Benjamin, Razzokov Abdurauf, Besenval Roland & Francfort Henri-Paul. Resuming Joint Tajik-French Fieldwork at Sarazm, Tajikistan. Preliminary Activity Report on the 2011-2012 Field Seasons. In: Lefèvre V., Didier A. & Mutin B. (eds.), South Asian Archaeology and Arts 2012. Man and Environment in Prehistoric and Protohistoric South Asia: New Perspectives. Proceedings of the Twenty-First Conference of the European Association of South-Asian Archaeologists (Paris, 2-6 July 2012): 197-209. Turnhout: Brepols (INDPL 12).
  • 23-2015          Didier Aurore & Mutin Benjamin. The Kech Makran Region in Protohistoric Times. In: Franke U. & Cortesi E. (eds.), Lost and Found. Prehistoric Pottery Treasures from Baluchistan: 297-334. Berlin: Museum of Islamic Art.
  • 24-2013          *Mutin Benjamin. Ceramic Traditions and Interactions on the South-Eastern Iranian Plateau during the fourth Millennium BC. In: Petrie C.A. (ed.), Ancient Iran and its neighbours – Local developments and long-range interactions in the 4th Millennium BC: 253-275. Oxford: Oxbow Books and British Institute for Persian Studies.
  • 25-2012          *Mutin Benjamin. Interactions céramiques en Asie moyenne autour de 3000 av. J.-C. : quel(s) modèle(s) ? In: Lefèvre V. (ed.), Orientalismes. De l’archéologie au musée. Mélanges offerts à Jean-François Jarrige: 263-278. Turnhout: Brepols (INDPL 9).
  • 26-2005          *Besenval Roland, Marcon Vincent, Buquet Cécile & Mutin Benjamin. Shahi-Tump: Results of the Last Field-Seasons (2001-2003). In: Franke-Vogt U. & Weisshaar H.-J. (eds.), South Asian Archaeology 2003, Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference of the European Association of South Asian Archaeologists (7-11 July 2003, Bonn): 49-56. Aachen: Linden Soft.
Chapitres d’ouvrages et d’actes de colloques acceptés (date de publication non connue) (* à comité de lecture)
  • 27-à paraître Mutin Benjamin, Bauvais Sylvain, Cloquet Christophe, Marin Jérôme, Shalev Sariel & Razzokov Abdurauf. Compositional analyses of ceramics from Sarazm, Tajikistan: Preliminary results and interpretations. In: Boroffka N. & Francfort H.-P. (dir.), ROXIANA – Archaeological Research on the Metallic and Pottery Assemblages from the Oxus Basin to the Indus Valley during Protohistory.
  • 28-à paraître Didier Aurore, Mutin Benjamin, Bauvais Sylvain, Cloquet Christophe, Marin Jerôme. & Shalev Sariel. Compositional analyses of Chalcolithic and Bronze Age ceramics from the Indo-Iranian Borderlands and southern Central Asia: Preliminary results and interpretations. In: Boroffka N. & Francfort H.-P. (dir.), ROXIANA – Archaeological Research on the Metallic and Pottery Assemblages from the Oxus Basin to the Indus Valley during Protohistory.
  • 29-à paraître *Mutin Benjamin. A Review of the Southeastern Iranian Plateau in the Fifth Millennium BC and its Implications toward a Non-Uniform Picture of Chalcolithic Iran. In: Petrie C.A., Helwing B. & Taylor H. (eds.), A new look at old routes in Western Asia: Rethinking Iran in the 5th millennium BC. Oxford: Oxbow Books (British Institute of Persian studies Archaeological Monographs Series).
Articles dans des revues internationales à comité de lecture
  • 30-2022 *Mutin Benjamin. La place des échanges interculturels dans la formation des civilisations anciennes des mondes iranien, centrasiatique et indien (VIIe – IIe millénaires av. n. è.). Comptes rendus des séances de l’Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres: 311-357.
  • 31-2022 *Mutin Benjamin. Les premiers villages agricoles de l’est du plateau Iranien à la vallée de l’Indus. Etat de la question. Invitation par le journal L’Anthropologie 126 (2022) 103050.
  • 32-2020          *Mutin Benjamin, Garazhian Omran & Shakooie Maryam. The Neolithic regional settlement of Darestan, Southern Lut Desert, Iran. Archaeological Research in Asia 24 (2020) 100230.
  • 33-2020          *Mutin Benjamin. Of Intercultural Interaction and Innovation: A Case-study based on Late Chalcolithic Copper Objects from Pakistan and their Parallels in Iran and Central Asia. Archäologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan 49: 101-121.
  • 34-2019          *Brunet Frédérique, Francfort Henri-Paul, Mutin Benjamin, Razzokov Abdurauf & Besenval Roland. Archaeological study of Sarazm in 2014 by the Tajik-French joint expedition (MAFAC) (en russe). Arkheologicheskie raboty v Tadzhikistane 40: 64-80.
  • 35-2019          *Mutin Benjamin & Garazhian Omran. Iranian-French Archaeological Mission in Bam, Kerman. Summary of Field-Seasons 2016-2017. Archaeology. Journal of the Iranian Center for Archaeological Research 2(2): 93-106.
  • 36-2019          *Mutin Benjamin & Francfort Henri-Paul. Bronze Age Relationships between Central Asia and the Indus: Archaeology, Language, and Genetics. Marg-A Magazine of the Arts 70(4) (Gandhara: A Confluence of Cultures): 14-25.
  • 37-2019          *Sarhaddi-Dadian Hossein, Mutin Benjamin & Moradi Hossein. New Data on the Chalcolithic and Bronze Age periods in the South-Eastern Greater Periphery of the Jazmurian Basin: Archaeological Survey along the Sarbaz Valley and in Adjacent Areas in Iranian Baluchestan. Iran 55 (2).
  • 38-2019          *Mutin Benjamin & Minc Leah. The Formative Phase of the Helmand Civilization, Iran and Afghanistan: New Data from Compositional Analysis of Ceramics from Shahr-i Sokhta, Iran. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 23: 881-899.
  • 39-2018          *Mutin Benjamin & Garazhian Omran. Bam Archaeological Mission (BAM). A New Archaeological Research Program in Kerman Province, Iran. Antiquity 92(363): 1-7.
  • 40-2017          *Mutin Benjamin, Moradi Hossein, Sarhaddi-Dadian Hossein, Fazeli Nashli Hassan & Soltani Mojtaba. New Discoveries in the Bampur Valley (southeastern Iran) and their Implications for the Understanding of Settlement Pattern in the Indo-Iranian Borderlands during the Chalcolithic Period. Iran 55(1): 1-21.
  • 41-2017          *Mutin Benjamin, Minc Leah, Lamberg-Karlovsky C.C. & Tosi Maurizio. Regional and Long-Distance Exchanges of an Emblematic “Prestige” Ceramic in the Indo-Iranian Borderlands. Results of Neutron Activation Analysis. Paléorient 43(1): 141-162.
  • 42-2017          *Brunet Frédérique, Francfort Henri-Paul, Mutin Benjamin & Razzokov Abdurauf. Results of the archaeological research at Sarazm, 2013. Fieldwork of the Tajik-French Expedition (MAFAC) (en russe). Arkheologicheskie raboty v Tadzhikistane 39: 20-39.
  • 43-2016          *Mutin Benjamin, Lamberg-Karlovsky C.C. & Minc Leah. Investigating Ceramic Production during the Proto-Elamite Period at Tepe Yahya, Southeastern Iran: Results of Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis of Periods IVC and IVB Ceramics. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, Special Issue: Uruk Expansion: 849-862.
  • 44-2016          *Brunet Frédérique, Francfort Henri-Paul, Razzokov Abdurauf & Mutin Benjamin. Results of the archaeological study of Sarazm, 2012. Fieldwork of the French-Tajik Mission (MAFAC) (en russe). Arkheologicheskie raboty v Tadzhikistane 38: 15-38.
  • 45-2015          *Mutin Benjamin. Chrono-cultural Sequence of the Bampur Valley (Southeastern Iran) during the Chalcolithic Period: A Reevaluation of the Stein Collection at the Peabody Museum, Harvard University. Iran 53: 1-28.
  • 46-2014          *Francfort Henri-Paul, Razzokov Abdurauf & Mutin Benjamin. Sarazm, Tajikistan: Preliminary Report on the Archaeological Excavations of the joint French-Tajik Mission 2011 (en russe). Arkheologicheskie Raboty v Tadzhikistane 37: 25-77.
  • 47-2014          *Mutin Benjamin & Razzokov Abdurauf. Contacts across the Hindu Kush in the Bronze Age. Additional Insights from Sarazm – Soundings 11-11A (Tajikistan). Archäologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan 46: 123-147.
  • 48-2013          *Didier Aurore & Mutin Benjamin. La production céramique protohistorique du Makran pakistanais dans la compréhension des relations indo-iraniennes. In: Bendezu-Sarmiento J. (ed.), Archéologie française en Asie centrale post-soviétique. Un enjeu sociopolitique et culturel: 461-486. Paris: Editions IFEAC-Complexe (Cahiers d’Asie centrale 21-22).
  • 49-2012          *Mutin Benjamin. Cultural Dynamics in Southern Middle-Asia in the Fifth and Fourth Millennia BC: A Reconstruction based on Ceramic Traditions. Paléorient 38(1): 161-186.
  • 50-2006          *Mutin Benjamin. La Basket Ware, une production céramique originale de la protohistoire des confins indo-iraniens. Paléorient 32(2): 175-193.