Argentomagus. La ville se dévoile. 25 ans de recherches archéologiques
DUMASY (F), catalogue d’exposition temporaire, Musée archéologique d’Argentomagus, Saint-Marcel, juil-déc. 2013, 2013.
DUMASY (F), catalogue d’exposition temporaire, Musée archéologique d’Argentomagus, Saint-Marcel, juil-déc. 2013, 2013.
Jurer et Maudire.Pratiques politiques et usages juridiques du sermentdans le Proche-Orient ancien Table des matières Ce volume contient également un article sur la Grèce antique et des notes de lecture. HAROC
CLOTUCHE (R) (Ed.), La ville antique de Famars. Valenciennes, Service archéologique de Valenciennes, 2013 GAMMA
This volume looks at how the issues of textiles and gender intertwine across three millennia in antiquity and examines continuities and differences across time and space – with surprising resonances for the modern world. The interplay of gender, identity, textile production and use is notable on many levels, from the question of who was involved…
The papers in this volume derive from the conference on textile terminology held in June 2014 at the University of Copenhagen. Around 50 experts from the fields of Ancient History, Indo-European Studies, Semitic Philology, Assyriology, Classical Archaeology, and Terminology from twelve different countries came together at the Centre for Textile Research, to discuss textile terminology,…
Table des matières Pour commander le volume : Ed. De Boccard11, rue de Médicis75005 ParisFrance HAROC
Protohistoire égéenne