BASTIDE Maguelone

Docteure Paris Nanterre, membre scientifique de l’École française d’Athènes

Adresse professionnelle

19 documents

Articles dans une revue

  • Maguelone Bastide. A Note on the Archaeology of Cults in Ancient Thrace: The Transition from the Hellenistic to Roman Periods. The Journal of South-Eastern European Studies / Güneydoğu Avrupa Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2024, 40, pp.23-32. ⟨10.26650/gaad.2023003⟩. ⟨hal-04662592⟩
  • Arthur Muller, Stavroula Dadaki, Margarita Arvanitaki, Christine Aubry, Maguelone Bastide, et al.. Thasos. Les abords Nord de l’Artémision (Thanar). Bulletin archéologique des Écoles françaises à l’étranger, 2023, ⟨10.4000/baefe.7324⟩. ⟨hal-04098569⟩
  • Stavroula Dadaki, Arthur Muller, Christine Aubry, Maguelone Bastide, Elli Bia, et al.. Thasos. Les abords Nord de l’Artémision (THANAR). Campagne de terrain 2021. Bulletin archéologique des Écoles françaises à l’étranger, 2022, 3 (2022), ⟨10.4000/baefe.7012⟩. ⟨hal-03903416⟩
  • Maguelone Bastide. Compte-rendu bibliographique : Tsatsopoulou‑Kaloudi Polyxéni, Brixhe Cl., Pardalidou Hr. et al., Αρχαία Ζώνη I – Το Ιερό του Απόλλωνα, Komotini, 2015 [2017], 1 vol. 20 x 28, 999 p., fig. ds t.. Revue archéologique, 2018, pp.408-410. ⟨hal-03557649⟩
  • Alexandre Baralis, Vasilica Lungu, Pierre Dupont, Maguelone Bastide, Guenaëlle Bony, et al.. L’établissement d’Acic-Suat (commune de Baia, département de Tulcea). Méthodologie d’une enquête pluridisciplinaire. Pontica, 2017, pp.453-486. ⟨halshs-03505394⟩
  • Baralis Alexandre, Vasilica Lungu, Pierre Dupont, Maguelone Bastide, Gwenaelle Bony, et al.. L'établissement d'Acic-Suat (commune de Baia, département de Tulcea). Méthodologie d'une enquête pluridisciplinaire. Pontica, 2017, L, pp.455-488. ⟨hal-02071831⟩

Communications dans un congrès

  • Teodora Bogdanova, Dimitar Nedev, Maguelone Bastide, Alexandre Baralis. Thracian Fortress "Malkoto Kale". Renewal of the Excavations. Археологически открития и разкопки през 2021 г, Mar 2022, Sofia, Bulgaria. ⟨hal-03810347⟩
  • Nicolas Morand, Maguelone Bastide, Teodora Bogdanova, Alexandre Baralis, Dimitar Nedev. Cooking deer in the 2nd c. BC on the South‐Western Black sea coast: preliminary results of the Malkoto Kale project. 27th EAA Annual Meeting, Sep 2021, Kiel, Germany. ⟨hal-03557624⟩
  • Nicolas Morand, Teodora Bogdanova, Maguelone Bastide. Fishing in Thrace : new insights from the Early Iron Age period at the settlement of Malkoto Kale (Sozopol, Bulgaria). Fishing and Greek colonisation in the Black Sea during Antiquity, a geographical and regional approach, 3-4 june 2021,, Alexandre Baralis; Myriam Sternberg, Jun 2021, Aix-en-Provence, France. ⟨hal-03557556⟩
  • Teodora Bogdanova, Dimitar Nedev, Maguelone Bastide, Alexandre Baralis. Тракийска крепост „Малкото Кале“. Подновяване на проучванята.. Археологически открития и разкопки през 2020 г, Feb 2021, Sofia, Bulgaria. pp.577-580. ⟨hal-03557600⟩
  • Maguelone Bastide. La Thrace comme chemin ?. 12 th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF SOUTH-EAST EUROPEAN STUDIES, Political, Social and Religious Dynamics in South-Eastern Europe Dynamiques politiques, sociales et religieuses dans le Sud-Est européen, Sep 2019, Bucarest, Roumanie. ⟨hal-03810354⟩
  • Maguelone Bastide. Archaeology of Cult in Ancient Thrace: The Transition from Hellenistic to Roman Period. Roman Thrace: Sanctuaries, Cities and Their Territories under Roman Rule in Provincia Thracia, 2nd International Roman and Late Antique Thrace Conference, Mustafa Sayar, Oct 2017, Marmara Ereğlesi, Turkey. ⟨hal-03557565⟩
  • Maguelone Bastide. Thracian sanctuaries’ myths and realities. Ancient Thrace: Myth and Reality. 13th International Congress of Thracology, Hristo Popov, Julia Tzvetkova, Sep 2017, Kazanlak, Bulgaria. ⟨hal-03557586⟩

Ouvrages (y compris édition critique et traduction)

Chapitres d'ouvrage

  • Maguelone Bastide. La Thrace comme chemin ? Autour des liens cultuels entre Thraces et cités nord-égéennes et pontiques. Lungu, Vasilica; Robu, Adrian. Pratiques cultuelles et dynamiques religieuses entre le Pont-Euxin et la mer Égée dans l'Antiquité, Editura Istros a Muzeului Brăilei "Carol I", pp.215-230, 2022, Bibliothèque de l'Institut d'études sud-est européennes, 978-606-654-496-2. ⟨hal-04225917⟩
  • Maguelone Bastide. Thracian sanctuaries’ myths and realities. Peter Delev; Totko Stoyanov; Svetlana Yanakieva; Hristo Popov; Anelia Bozkova; Maya Vassileva; Julia Tzvetkova; Margarit Damyanov; Petya Ilieva; Juliy Emilov. Ancient Thrace: Myth and Reality. The Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Congress of Thracology, 1, St. Kliment Ohridski University Press, pp.45-51, 2022, 978-954-07-5623-3. ⟨hal-04098627⟩
  • Maguelone Bastide. Fixed hearths in Archaic and Classical buildings of Thrace: an indication of cult?. Jérémy Lamaze; Maguelone Bastide. Around the Hearth. Ritual and commensal practices in the Mediterranean Iron Age from the Aegean World to the Iberian Peninsula, De Gruyter, pp.117-136, 2021, 9783110738278. ⟨10.1515/9783110733662-006⟩. ⟨hal-03378946⟩
  • Maguelone Bastide. Conclusion: building a fireplace to build a world. Jérémy Lamaze; Maguelone Bastide. Around the Hearth: Ritual and commensal practices in the Mediterranean Iron Age from the Aegean World to the Iberian Peninsula, De Gruyter, pp.277-280, 2021, 9783110738278. ⟨10.1515/9783110733662-011⟩. ⟨hal-03378987⟩

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