Palatial Economy in the Ancient Near East and in the Aegean: First Steps Towards a Comprehensive Study and Analysis.

Liste des chapitres du volume

P. Carlier, Second Thoughts on Mycenaean Economy, p. 1-6.

M. Tanret, Palace Economy in the Old Babylonian Period, p. 7-22.

A. Karnava, Old Palatial Crete: One or More Economies? p. 23-42.

B. Lion,  L’économie palatiale à Nuzi, p. 43-64.

Fr. Rougemont, Les allocations de laine à Nuzi et dans le monde égéen, p. 65-92.

H. Tomas, Epigraphical Features of Economic Texts in Linear A, p. 93-104.

M. Del Freo, Quelques réflexions sur les possessions foncières et les obligations à Pylos, p. 105-120.

P. De Fidio, A reassessment of taxation on sacred lands in the Linear B corpus, p. 121-140.

M. Perna, Quelques réflexions sur la fiscalité mycénienne, p. 141-150.

J. Bennet, Palaces and Their Regions: Geographical Analysis of Territorial Exploitation in Late Bronze Age Crete and Greece, p. 151-174.

H. Landenius-Enegren, Palatial Economy: The occupational designations in the Mycenaean archives from a quantitative perspective, p. 175-188.

S. Lupack, Assessing Religious Hierarchies: Their Economic Influence on Mycenaean Society, p. 189-202.

J. Weilhartner, Die Rolle der Heiligtümer in der mykenischen Palastwirtschaft: Eine Neubewertung der Textevidenz, p. 203-220.

I. Fappas, Oils and Perfumes in the Mycenaean Palatial Economy, p. 221-238.

J.N. Postgate, Fixed offerings to the Aššur Temple in Middle Assyrian times, p. 239-260.

W. H.  van Soldt, The Palace Economy in Ugarit, p. 261-270.

F. M. Fales, Palatial Economy in Neo-Assyrian Documentation, p. 171-294.

St. Zawadzki, Cult Economy and the Neo-Babylonian Palace, p. 295-308.

Fr. Joannès, Fr. Rougemont, J. Zurbach, Les économies palatiales. Remarques finales, p. 309-318.

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